2012年11月25日 星期日
>Da Capo, Kotori ExP 賣不好
看到這個就知Da Capo 3無望了,Da Capo 1 MangaGamer翻的挺糟(進個人線就很明顯),不知這有沒有關係,Kotori ExP翻的就很ok,其實Kotori ExP會出英翻挺意外,畢竟這是fan向作品是以預先已知有一定玩家支持作考量,我是很感謝Kotori ExP有出翻譯就是了。
>ef first也賣不好
難怪看這類的hg MangaGamer都有固定在出,光出名作不行免的像踩了莫明其妙Da Capo地雷。
有漢化的話當然玩中文版,但像Kotori ExP只有英文版無漢化當然就玩英文版,總是選擇越多越好。
附帶一提Shuffle和寒蟬動畫都有英語配音,Da Capo動畫卻沒有。
So here it is:
* Lots of people interested in VNs, but sales are considerably less (because of this imo)
* Hardcopy sales do about the same as online sales; hence, sales have doubled
* MangaGamer is focused on PC releases, not mobile releases
* Selecting titles to license is like a round-table discussion between staff who speak both English and Japanese, i.e. Kouryuu and one other (EvoSpace?)
* Higurashi sold fairly well. Hasn’t sold as well as Shuffle or Koihime.
* Kira Kira All-Ages: Online version sold hardly any copies. Hardcopy has done quite well
* Go Go Nippon has performed within their expectations
* Plans to do more with Go Go Nippon
* Shuffle sold very well
* Soul Link sold "not so well"
* Expect more Navel titles in the future (MangaGamer have been talking with them quite a bit recently)
* Japanese companies are "walking a tightrope"
* Japanese VN market is saturated
* One of the reason why they’re looking to the West
* "Nukige will never be a hit, but you will get a steady number of sales that you can rely on."
* Story games can be very hit-and-miss
* Da Capo, Kotori ExP didn’t do well at all
* Shuffle and Koihime sold "crazy amounts"
* Titles with anime tend to get more popularity, but not always
* ef sales have been disappointing
* People might be waiting for a hardcopy
* Hoping that Ef does well, so can get more titles from Minori
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