2013年2月24日 星期日


Generation who does not consume, 不消費的世代, 因為低薪和不確定的未來, 並造成高儲蓄率, 這點來說對經濟很不好.



平均年収は300万円以下?! 衰退化が止まらない美少女ゲーム業界の現状

‘Average Income Under 300,000yen!? The Unstoppable Downfall of the Bishoujo-ge Industry’

minori 社訪談

年收300萬日幣約20萬CNY, 約95萬TWD, 但日本生活消費偏高, 基本上日本1個便當價錢幾乎在台灣可以買2個便當

the entire industry was valuing at over 30,000,000,000 yen a year. (30 billion yen = USD $321 million). Compared to last year it is now estimated to be worth 22,000,000,000 yen a year.

市場下掉很正常, 這年頭娛樂選擇多, 我沒有切實數據不一定是事實, 但我覺得並認為像PS3主機遊戲市場都被刮分, galgame市場亦然, 台灣的漫畫市場在網遊普及後掉了不少.

Questioner: How much does it cost to create a bishoujo-ge?
nbkz: Speaking as a person who looks after the budgeting at our studio, if you want to preserve a degree of quality it cost 30,000,000 yen(3,000万円) and upwards.

基本HG預算, 約CHY 200萬, TWD 95萬, 差不多這數字.

すぴぱら Supipara costed us over 100,000,000 yen. (About USD$1,070,550)
自家すぴぱら製作花了1億円, 作遊戲真燒錢.

Why did it cost so much??
nbkz: The most expensive are the CGs. (goes on to say how CGs are much harder work than anime frames)
nbkz: Moving from 800×600 to 1920×1080 was a major increase in our costs. (goes on to explain why higher res cost more)
為何這麼燒? 因為CG需要高清化, 這和PS3差不多, 沒錢高清化的都跑去PSP上出了.

Between regular version and limited version, which one being sold is more profitable for your studio?
selling more of the regular version is better for us. There is no long-tail for bishoujo-ge sales. The Friday, Saturday and Sunday after release, those 3 days determine how many copies we will sell.
限定版和正常版哪一個好賣? 答案是正常版這有點出乎我的意料.
然後是上市3天銷量就可定调總銷量, 這大概是日本市場文化, 這我比較難理解.

What do you think about releasing as an all-ages version so that they can go on to receive ports to the PS3, etc?
A port will cost us 10,000,000 yen. They don’t really pay back our costs.
PS3移植要10,000,000 yen, 0看到都眼花了, 移植要這麼多錢也是意外.

n the year 2000, 100,000 copies sold is a super hit, 30,000 sold is a big hit. 20,000 sold is normal. Nowadays if you sell 10,000 hits you are big.
10年以前賣2萬套是一般, 現在能賣1買套就是老大.

誰叫你國家少子化, 所以說要沒多生小孩哪來的青少年買遊戲.
什麼台灣少子化比日本更嚴重我居然還有臉噴人家? 好啦我錯了我沒把妹生子增產報國, 我也想啊, 過年壓力越來越大, 總被叮這麼大了還不結婚生子..........

Eroge should also move towards making good but short titles, not whooping epics like before. The 8,800 price range is what is killing many  potential customers. Young people can only afford 1000yen-and-under items. And so manga and LN fit that category. As for anime it is free to watch when aired… yet Bishoujo-ge sticks to the 8,800 yen price bracket. Young people cannot afford that price point.

酒井伸和氏認為HG應該要短篇低價化, 長篇和8800円定價已經根不上時代潮流.
都是速食文化和網遊惹的禍, 有篇評論請參考


Questioner: What will happen to the bishoujo-ge industry in the future?
nbkz: not just the bishoujo-ge industry, I think the whole entertainment industry is going to end eventually. The concept of the professional entertainer is dying. On Niconico douga, amateurs create almost pro-like quality and is nevertheless entertaining without the added cost of hiring professionals.

nbkz: There is the idea that it’s all because of the pirates who free ride too much. I think not. The people who are unable to play our games for free will merely shift their consuming behaviour to other free content if they cannot play for free. People who have no money to give you will have no money to give you no matter what.

未來展望? 酒井伸和氏認為going to end eventually.
1.Niconico douga類發達和職人消滅, 這段要完全理解可能需要看日原文.
2.這段提到網路盜版, 他個人認為主因不是盜版, 而是當消費者錢不夠時自然會選擇其他免費娛樂(other free content), 沒錢給的就沒錢可給.

Questioner: What is your business strategy? (against the problems).
nbkz: The only way forward is to build your business on fans who willingly pay you to see you make the next title.
沒未來總不能現在關社吧, 酒井伸和氏認為現在要鞏固核心玩家, 有fan甚至會買多份表達支持, 聆聽核心玩家是目前的出路.

Among the marketing community, Japanese millennials are known as the “Generation who does not consume.” This is because young people have very low salaries. Uncertainty about the future means higher saving rate, which means less money towards music, movies, books, DVDs. Very insightful interview with minori’s producer 酒井伸和氏 aka nbkz. Too bad no mention of their overseas licensing efforts.

Generation who does not consume, 不消費的世代, 因為低薪和不確定的未來, 並造成高儲蓄率, 這點來說對經濟很不好.

這方面台灣也差不多, 另外我認為貧富差大也是原因, 去年台灣物價大漲(是我出生有記憶到現在掌最多的一年)但薪水不漲, 我落入M形社會戰敗的一方, 個人來說多少還是會買原版支持真心喜歡的遊戲或其他動漫, 但能花在遊戲上的預算越來越少, 我買的原版比起5年前少了很多.

比較可惜是酒井伸和氏沒提到海外市場, 海外市場不好賺但是確確實實地存在, 可惜日本HG社礙於法令不能開發中國市場, 有人會說盜版滿天飛誰要買正版? 確實一般玩家不會買, 但對遊戲有大愛的fan有錢時還是會掏錢買.

可以確定HG會越來越少, 就像單機遊戲的消滅, 連家機的未來都不明朗, 市場是消費者決定出來, 不知今年遊戲產業會走向何處.

